Tribal cross tattoo designs have been symbols of hope for centuries, and they were in existence before their use as symbols of the Christian faith. Ancient cultures such as the Celts and Druids have used the cross ties of these tattoos as a wards against evil, and symbols of supernatural authority since they became a communal group of people. Tribal cross tattoos can have a uniquely different appearance from the cross used by Christians, but is still used as a symbol of Christians who wish to express their faith in ink. Modern groups of people such as the Gothic movement members, use the intricate beauty of the black ink tribe cross tats as a symbol of individuality.
tribal cross tattoo designs
The Celtic tribal cross tattoo designs gained popularity first in the British Isles around Ireland, Wales, and Scotland. With its origins appearing first in this region, and still gaining popularity today, the Celtic tribal cross tats can offer a genuine link to their past with the Ancient Druids, and their culture.